From Humble Beginnings

Founded by Max Tan during the Covid-19 pandemic era, Blue Max Water strives to provide quality and clean water solutions to the Malaysian community.


Our Story

Every Malaysian deserves access to safe clean water for a better life.”

Blue Max Water was born to address consumer’s vital need: Enable safe clean water to the Malaysian community for both immediate consumption and usage.


Our founder, Max, discovered that while water was readily available at industrial sites, offices, complexes and households, it was not safe for consumption. Due to contamination, consuming defiled water may result in serious illnesses and possible fatality. Due to an alarming amount of pollution incidents that forced frequent water supply disruptions across the nation, water contamination is no longer a strange word.

Clean Water For All

It was then that our founder set his sights to see safe clean water available at every Malaysian premises, through the deployment of water filters and purifiers, along with their corresponding maintenance options to ensure the systems were consistently running at optimal performance.


Immediate Safe Clean Water

But then, still another problem required attention; immediate safe clean water where piping is not readily accessible. After much thought, the team decided to invest in systems to manufacture safe clean water for dispensers, both tested and approved by KKM and MESTI before distribution. Besides obtaining certification from governing bodies, Max and the team took safety a step further by engaging independent water labs for periodic testing.

Affordable Water Solutions

Over the years, we experienced a rapid rise in fame for their safe and quality products that keeps Malaysian’s best interest at heart; supplying water solutions at affordable cost. In year 2020, we obtained license from Malaysian Ministry of Health, followed by stunning awards from KKM and MESTI in Year 2020.


Advancing Technology With IR 3.0

As an innovative business, we are currently undergoing digital transformation in accordance with Industrial Revolution 3.0, with plans to jump over to Industrial Revolution 4.0 within the next few years. Our desire is to bring convenience to our consumers so that they can make orders and have them delivered right to their doorstep.